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Future-proof Your Career

Career Guidance for a Modern Labour Market


Future-proof your Career aims to design, develop and implement a Future of Work Framework, focused on the identification -through a guidance process- of transversal skills which can be used to future-proof the careers of disadvantaged job seekers and enable sustainable future employment.

This forward thinking career guidance framework will provide a way of working for guidance practitioners which facilitates quality future focused career plans for job seekers already marginalised in the labour market, so as to ensure their inclusion in a technological and digitalised world of work.

It will support marginalised job seekers to understand and gain awareness of key competencies which are essential employability competences for a future labour market. These key competences underpin the ability to adapt and change to the demands of a technological workplace, and are important in up-skilling in initial and continuous vocational, educational and training.

Want to know more...

If you would like to find out more about this exciting European Project then please feel free to contact us!